The father and the family


Aspect Ratio: 1.33:1

Width: 40 Inch

Height: 30 Inch

Disclaimer: This is a digitally downloadable version of Original Girish Nair Painting. Upon payment you will be able to download the high resolution file without watermark.



An interesting glimpse of a family time during the lockdown, this painting brings forward the interpersonal relationship in a subtle, yet soul-stirring way! The lion here is the father, the artist himself, who never fails to keep an eye on his family. The artist depicts well his protective stance during the times of social distancing. The baby here is the daughter of the family who doesn’t bother about her present or even the future as long as she feels the safety and comfort of her family being around. The little crain could be seen as the family pet dog who is treated as the son in the family. Like the crane, he too is in constant search for food. The lioness and the cub may be interpreted as the artist’s wife and their younger daughter. Through the depiction of a slice of his family life during lockdown times, the artist emphasizes the strength and necessity of family bonding during these difficult times.

Additional information

Aspect Ratio



40 Inch


30 Inch